Morgan Perrine and Dave Sweeney
Morgan and Dave won the gold medal in Bronze Ice Dance at the 2022 U.S. Adult Figure Skating Championships held in Newark, Delaware. They also received the Dr. Richard “Dick” Stutzke Memorial Trophy, presented to the winners of this event. Their names have been added to the trophy, which is kept at the U.S. Figure Skating Museum in Colorado Springs, Colorado. They competed in their first international competition in October 2023 and earned the silver medal in Adult Intermediate Pairs at the 2024 Winter World Masters Game in Bormio, Italy in January 2024.

Ciara Pinckney
Ciara has been touring with Disney on Ice since 2017. She grew up skating at South Charleston Memorial Ice Arena and was a member of WV Synchro.

Alexis and JD Rappold
Alexis and JD Rappold teamed up in 2010 after successful solo careers in figure skating and hockey, respectively. They competed at the 2012 and 2013 Nationals as a Novice pairs team. They currently skate on the Royal Caribbean Harmony Cruise Line.

Theatre on Ice Team
CFSC’s Theatre on Ice Team competed at the 2018 National Theatre on Ice Competition in Geneva, Illinois. They placed 3rd in the Long Program. Visit our Theatre on Ice tab on the website to look into joining our team.

Isabelle McElhinny and Holly Dearnell
CFSC would like to congratulate Holly Dearnell and Isabelle McElhinny for taking first place at U.S. Figure Skating’s 2017 National Solo Dance Series Final in Colorado Springs, Colorado. These young ladies have worked hard and made their club and coaches very proud!

Amanda McGowan and Patti May
CFSC had two members participate in the 2017 U.S. Adult Figure Skating Championships in Wake Forest, NC. We would like to congratulate Amanda McGowan on her silver medal for her bronze Free Skate program and pewter medal for her Showcase. We’d like to commend Patti May on her bronze medal for her bronze Free Skate program.

Morgan Perrine and Dave Sweeney
CFSC would like to congratulate Morgan Perrine and Dave Sweeney for winning their partnered dance event at the 2017 Midwestern Sectionals. We look forward to seeing you compete again!

Constance Gerstle
Constance represented CFSC in regional competitions from 2010-2015. She went on to represent Penn State in collegiate competitions.

Caroline Leadmon and Jacob Schedl
Caroline and Jacob teamed up in 2010 as an ice dance team under Coach Vicki Robb. They are the 2013 Midwestern Sectional Bronze Medalists and competed at the 2013 National Championships in Omaha, Nebraska. Caroline now skates on the WVU Synchronized Skating Team and Jacob went on to skate with the University of Delaware.